You could have had a Mauser Mark X in calibers from. Instead of a surplus Mauser in 8×57, you could buy a new Mauser in. The Gun Control Act of 1968 (I know, that’s ancient history, but that’s where we are right now) put a real roadblock in the path of importing surplus, so Cummings went to Zastava and contracted for new rifles. Sam Cummings, the owner, did a brisk business in buying up and shipping off surplus arms, excess to various countries’ needs. 375 H&H.Įnter into the picture a company known as Interarms. Note the recoil lug below the receiver ring, which is a good idea on a wood-stocked. The Whitworth name is marked twice on the receiver ring, and the barrel is engraved with the chambering. You’d think that war surplus could have supplied many buyers, but there was always a desire to equip one’s army with new rifles and not rebuilt ones of unknown provenance. Was the barrel straight? You betcha.Īfter World War II, Zastava cleaned up and resumed production of the Mauser, known by then as the M48. This was a giveaway price! That made me suspicious, so I pulled the bolt out, looked down the bore to see if there was rust or pitting. This was getting interesting, so I flipped the price tag over and blinked. Instead, I saw “Interarms” and “Mauser Mark X.” This rifle fit me! I looked at the receiver, expecting to see a set of German or Argentine proofmarks. I threw it to my shoulder, and the sights were dead on.
I worked the action (that tells you how long ago it was-they didn’t use zip ties on the actions back then), and it felt pretty smooth. I spied a bolt-action rifle with a nice-looking stock on it sitting on one of the myriad tables. There I was, cruising a gun show many years ago. Used a commercial Mauser action, sans striper-clip guide and thumb-clearance groove.Available in more than 8x57mm-calibers from.Swam against the surplus Mauser market with brand new rifles.Produced by Serbian Zastava Arms, which has a long history manufacturing Mausers.What Made The Interarms Mark X Mauser Stand Apart: Does buying the exact same gun twice make sense? It does if you're talking about the affordable and accurate Interarms Mark X in.