You in addition to the core set of multiplication flash cards and flash cards for all of the other math facts, there are sets of flash cards for some of the more advanced multiplication and vision facts that are useful to memorize once the primary facts are mastered. And, of course, division is a natural fit for flash card practice even if you have the multiplatication facts down cold and can reverse them in your head. Multiplication flash cards are often where people start because multiplication facts are more difficult to reconstruct in your head and they require more memorization, although addition and subtraction flash cards are a great way to move beyond mental problem solving and develop complete mastery of those operations. Seriously though, flash cards are a great way to learn math facts. When timed tests aren’t enough, when you’ve drilled and drilled with worksheet after worksheet, when those math facts just don’t stick they way they should, it’s time to call in the big guns… Flash cards! Many an afternoon I spent sitting on the couch with my mom, going through the deck of multiplication flash cards, trying to get the facts down for the timed test that was coming the next day at school.īut oh the peril! That couch swallowed cards, and I know that missing card with the 6x7 mulitplication fact dropped between two cushions, and for all I know is still hiding there waiting for whoever ultimately bought that couch from the GoodWill store to find and rejoice that they don’t have to memorize that fact again!